Martin Lee @ Sg
Sharing is Caring!

Haiti Earthquake Relief

In the aftermath of the 7.0 earthquake that struck Haiti on 12th January 2010, resources are now being mobilized around the world to help recovery efforts in Haiti.

Haiti earthquake reliefIf you would like to do your part for the earthquake victims, you might do so by making a donation to UNICEF or CARE at this special page set up by Google. The list of other organisations which are accepting funds for Haiti relief are also listed on the site.

Support Haiti Relief

(Ignore the SMS donation procedure on that page as that only works in US)

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Andy says 14 years ago

Personally, I’m quite disappointed that we can’t make sms to donate to the haiti victims. Like what the US did. At least we as students and teenagers can do a part in donation!

James Tan says 15 years ago

Hi Lion,

Singapore Red Cross is collecting cash donations for the Haiti Earthquake relief works at

Red Cross House
15 Penang Lane
Singapore 238486
Tel: 63373587 & 63360269

Temporary receipts are issued there.

(Location :- walk straight along the lane between Park Mall & Singapore Shopping Centre. Right behind Haw Par Building)

weekdays 9am to 9 pm
weekend 9am to 1pm.

** Cash is a faster channel to reach S’pore Red Cross. Posting cheques may take few days to reach & bank clearance.


    lioninvestor says 15 years ago

    Thanks James.

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