Many people are not aware that Medisave-approved integrated medical insurance (shield) plans have a last payer status. This means that if a person has other medical insurance, including medical benefits under any employment contract, which makes provision for reimbursement of medical expenses, the shield plan will be the last payer reimbursing the claim. If a […]
I am not too sure whether MOH’s message about the unprofessional sales and marketing of Medisave Approved Insurance Plans has actually got through to the intended audiences. Just yesterday, I received a unsolicited phone call from company X. Part of the script went something like this: “Would you like to arrange an appointment with my […]
The Ministry of Health (MOH) recently shared with all life insurers that MOH has been receiving complaints on the unprofessional sales and marketing of Medisave Approved Insurance Plans. Previously, I have wrote about this topic at length, such as the Dangers of Switching Shield Plans, and the Twisting of Shield Plans. As a result, MOH wants all […]
Starting from 1st July 2011, we will be able to use part of our Medisave to pay for breast and colon cancer screening. As these two cancers are the number one incidents of cancer for women and men respectively in Singapore, I hope that this new measure will encourage more people to go for the […]
It used to be the case that we have to worry about our parents being sold something unsuitable when they visit the banks. Based on this story published in Today, we probably need to tell them to be careful when they visit the post office as well. An Ill-advised plan In this case, it is […]