Martin Lee @ Sg
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Muddy Waters Research on Olam

Yesterday, Muddy Waters finally released their research report on Olam.

The 133 page Muddy Waters report can be downloaded from here:

Initiating Coverage on Olam International

Olam has released an announcement this morning refuting Muddy Water’s report. It’s 45 pages long and can be downloaded from here:

Olam Dismisses Muddy Waters Report Findings

Separately, Carson Block from Muddy Waters has said that he has stopped betting against China stocks as the government helps to protect them.

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1 comment
yl says 12 years ago

In the short term, there may be a cloud overhanging Olam’s shareprice till their cash flows become positive. However, long term investors may see this as an opportunity to buy more if they feel the current ordeal has done its worst.

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