Martin Lee @ Sg
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Open Forum with OCBC Bank/Securities

Posting on behalf of OCBC Bank/Securities Investors Group

We would like to invite all investors who have invested in the Lehman Brothers Minibonds, Merrill Lynch Jubilee and Morgan Stanley Pinnacle Notes through OCBC Bank/Securities, to participate in an open forum with OCBC.

This invitation is open to investors regardless of whether you have or have not attended an interview with OCBC. We are going to request for Mr Hwang Soo Jin, the independent party appointed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore to oversee OCBC complaints process, to be present at the forum, as we are keen to share our concerns with him.

We have set an agenda for the forum and are extending this invitation to gather as many investors as possible. We believe that with more investors attending this forum, OCBC cannot ignore our request and will consider more seriously the appeal of all affected investors.

Please submit your name (with some proof that you have invested in one of the above-mentioned notes through OCBC Bank/Securities), your email address and contact number to Miss WM , [email protected] by 7 November 2008.

The date for this forum is not yet confirmed, as we have to arrange this with OCBC. You will be advised when this arrangement is finalised.

On behalf of the
OCBC Bank/Securities Investors Group

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Hitasinee says 16 years ago


I need full kit of solar energy complect for my home, Where I can look at thechnical specifications and examples? We search on internet and not find this. 🙁 Please if you have some documentation please post.

Kenneth says 16 years ago

We tried with Phillip Securities last Thursday and they rejected us on Monday eventhough we told them there are 80 investors requested for it. Phillip Securities investor group will be holding a Saturday meeting to discuss our next course of action.

Do bear in mind even though DBS had a open forum, some of the investors have already received rejection letter for their complaints. Looks like more cases will be going to FIDReC from this group.


Aaron says 16 years ago

Would appreciate if you arrange a forum with Hong Leong Finance, similar to the one you are arranging for UOB Kian Hian and OCBC securities

Lo Lock says 16 years ago

Hi, Malvin,

I would like to attend OCBC Minibond ,Pinnacle, etc forum.


    lioninvestor says 16 years ago

    Hi Lo Lock,

    Please email him at [email protected]

    The meeting is still awaiting confirmation from OCBC.

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