Martin Lee @ Sg
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Selling Fake Discounted Seminars or Products

A common marketing strategy employed by many product or service vendors is to announce a “special offer” price that is only available for a limited period. Typically, the consumer would have a make a decision on the spot (during a preview or sales presentation) in order to get the discounted price.

clemen chiang appealMore often than not, the same special offer price would be repeated over many sessions.

While this practice is fairly common in retail shops (think of all the ongoing sales we see everyday) and many seminar organisers, those who engage in such practices might have to be more careful judging from how Small Claims Tribunal recently judged.

“Under s 4(d) of the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act (Cap 52A, 2004 Rev Ed) read with paragraph 7 of the 2nd Schedule, the representation that a price benefit exists where it actually does not, constitutes an unfair practice.”

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Denzuke Finance Ninja says 14 years ago

There will always be some lambs to be slaughtered – because of the way it is sold, and underlying our conscience (or lack off), is instead misplaced with a short moment of triumph and greed thus, alas, such sales still work and bankable to the perpetrator.

“CFD secrets, options backdoor, quick pips, $800 in an hour wins, special system, seminar that is attendant by zillions, and look-at-my-sports-car temptation.”

If we followed Confucius purity of heart, this will not happen. Ethical behaviour to help others sincerely. It won’t happen, as we know logically, “I made enough and know want to present my secrets in a 2 day workshop that was $8888, now just $2888” – this is playing with “greed, kiasu, backdoor” nothing close to chivalry, filial, dedication, education, and wisdom, and loving and serving for a greater good.

Richard says 14 years ago

That’s interesting. There are stores in certain industries (jewelry and travel paraphernalia spring to mind) that have a habit of being perpetually “on sale”. This distorts the consumer’s decision making process, as the consumer is operating in an environment of limited information and limited resources. They can’t go and do a price comparison – even if possible, in many situations it would be too big a burden. On the one hand, it’s standard sales tricks.
On the other hand, it’s flat out lying. It’s effectively claiming “this is below standard pricing for this product”. In which case, yes it should be illegal.

    lioninvestor says 14 years ago

    I think it’s a matter of how to effectively police this. In the absence of (mass) complaints (and possibly an inferior product), the practice will carry on.

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