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Tag Archives for " COE "

COE Changes

Yesterday, LTA announced the outcome of their review of the COE system. The COE change is that a new criterion of the engine power of the car not exceeding 97 kilowatts (kW) will be added to the category A cars. With this refinement, about 50% of the cars in category A will end up in […]

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Loan Restrictions Lifted Temporarily for Purchase of Pre-Existing Stock of Used Cars

It appears that the sudden implementation of the car loans restrictions was too hard for the industry to swallow and MAS has to give some concessions now. As a result of the appeal by used car dealers, MAS has decided to lift the loan restrictions on car loans for a period of 60 days for […]

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Beating the Car COE System

Yesterday, everyone watched with keen interest the car COE prices as this was the first COE bidding session after the restrictions in car loan and increases in car taxes were announced. Before I go into a hypothetical discussion of how we can beat the COE system, here are the figures for March’s results:   Category […]

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Balloting System for COE

This letter was submitted to ST Forum on 19 April 2012 and was published on 24 April 2012. It was also referenced by an article written by Julian Wright on the COE: Mr Chan Tau Chou has raised a valid point (‘Steep COE prices: Balloting fairer and cheaper‘; last Thursday). In designing a balloting system, tag […]

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Solving the COE Price Escalation Problem

It was reported that our March inflation figures (measured year on year) was 5.2%. Part of this increase was attributed to a sharper increase in Certificate of Entitlement (COE) prices, which led to higher car prices. We all know that a declining COE supply had led to a huge increase in the prices of COEs. […]

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