As the resolution process comes to a close for many investors of Lehman-linked products, SIAS said that they were opening their doors to offer advice on their next course of action. Sias president David Gerald mentioned SIAS will be organising group sessions and making available their legal advisors to answer questions from investors. Even though […]
MAS has released an announcement on the progress of the dispute resolution process so far. From the numbers, it looks like only a few of those investors who purchased the Lehman Minibond from stock brokers are getting any compensation. ABN, Hong Leong and Maybank are offering compensation to 75% of those who have filed a […]
The details of this last meeting for all credit linked notes investors (DBS High Notes, Jubilee, Minibond, Pinnacle) at Hong Lim Park are as follows: Date: Saturday 27 December 2008 Time: 5 to 7 pm Agenda 1. Update of complaints to financial institution, FIDREC 2. Update on collective legal action 3. Speech by lawyer organising […]
More than two months ago, MAS spelt out the timeline for handling of disputes with regards to the sale of structured products like the Minibond, DBS High Notes, Jubilee and Pinnacle. Among other things, it spelt out that financial institutions should: acknowledge receipt of a customer’s complaint within two working days; have an interview with […]
Tan Kin Lian provides some updates of legal proceedings with regards to Lehman-linked products. Summary notes can be found here. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Mandarin Version