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Tag Archives for " Medishield "

Time to Drop Your Integrated Shield Plan?

Ever since details about Medishield Life were announced, one question that has been raised is by those who have private integrated shield plans. What should they do about their plans? Should they continue or drop them? I have read many articles that have been written on this topic. A few bring up sensible points and […]

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Medishield Life Premiums and Affordability

medishield life premiums

Having dissected Medishield Life in my previous article Medishield Life and What It Means, I will now look at the Medishield Life premiums and how much they will potentially increase. If you have not read that article, please go and read it first before reading the rest of this article. Medishield Premiums Before we look […]

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Medishield Life – How Do You Determine the Unhealthy?

Medishield Life Unhealthy

My letter on an area of Medishield Life, Sifting Out Those with Pre-existing Conditions was published in the ST Forum yesterday. The following text is my original letter, before editing. Medishield Life – How do you determine the unhealthy? The Medishield Life committee has suggested that those with existing illnesses who are currently not on the […]

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Medishield Life and What It Means

Recently, the Medishield Life committee  announced the changes to Medishield and many people might be confused by the changes. This post will help you understand the gist of what’s happening. My discussion on the changes to Medishield will cover four areas: Improvements to basic Medishield benefits Medishield Life Premiums of Medishield Life (to be discussed in another post) Impact on Private […]

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Unscrupulous Acts by Insurance Agents

It was reported in The New Paper that some insurance agents were targeting the elderly, the illiterate, and the poor in their homes to sell them insurance products. Give Us Your Passwords (TNP) What would happen was that the agents would ask for the SingPass passwords in order to access the CPF account information to see whether […]

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