Martin Lee @ Sg
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Time to Drop Your Integrated Shield Plan?

Ever since details about Medishield Life were announced, one question that has been raised is by those who have private integrated shield plans. What should they do about their plans? Should they continue or drop them?

I have read many articles that have been written on this topic. A few bring up sensible points and are able to provide certain recommendations based on these points.

stop-integrated-shield-plansOn the other hand, many recommendations are just too simplistic as they only consider one or two dimensions. In such cases, having a little knowledge is dangerous as it can lead you to make the wrong decision.

For example, I read with dismay the advice that was given on the mass media last Saturday for people with Integrated Shield Plans (IP).

Under the Q&A section on Medishield Life :

If you want to stay in private hospitals, or in Class A/B1 in public hospitals, you may wish to purchase a suitable IP. If you plan to stay in a Class B2 or C subsidised ward, Medishield Life will be good enough.

Quote by Health Minister Mr Gan Kim Yong:

If your intention is to go for subsidised treatment, there is really no need for a private Shield plan.

How many people will take that advice at face value and cancel their integrated shield plans?

In my opinion, that would be a huge mistake!

Besides the type of treatment you want, there are many other areas to consider.

I’m still in the midst of writing my post on the analysis of Medishield Life and integrated shield plans. It’s taken quite a while, but I want to make it as complete as possible so that anyone who reads it will be able to make a very informed decision.

And not get confused by all the information that is currently being bombarded at you.

If you have an integrated shield plan, this is one article you do not want to miss.

Leave a Comment:

Jasmin says 10 years ago

Good post made in ST Forum (26 Jun 2014).

    Martin Lee says 10 years ago

    Thanks Jasmin. Pity it was not published in the print edition.

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