Martin Lee @ Sg
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Transcript of PM Lee Interview on Structured Products

If you didn’t manage to catch the interview of PM Lee on the subject of structured products, you can read it here:

A Practical and Fair Way to Deal with the Issue

The questions posted to PM Lee are as follows:

Could you comment on MAS’ approach to the issue of structured products linked to Lehman Brothers?

Why could the Government not take more responsibility for vetting products?

Surely with consumers deciding for themselves, the Government must set up safeguards?

Can we somehow make sure that people do not lose their last dollar on risky investments?

Would the two different approaches you mentioned earlier explain the difference in the way the Hong Kong and Singapore authorities handled the situation?

What is your take on the anxiety faced by the investors?

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David says 16 years ago

MAS has obligation to block such high risk financial products to be imported, and equally those distributors are also quilty in the product advertisement and promotion! Morgan Stanley’s unethnical business practises together with local collaborators (namely distributors) with apparent intention to misled, no wonder we have so many causalities in Singapore. If MAS dare not challenge foreign banks, we should be looking forward to more miseries, sign…… Poor Singaporean.

Interview by RMs says 16 years ago

Would anyone like to share their experience during the interview with RMs? I heard it lasted 2 hours !!!

VSL says 16 years ago


The link is good and free access. Go to


    CHOK ING-CHYE says 16 years ago

    Funny, but its working now. thanks.

CHOK ING-CHYE says 16 years ago

The URL link is not valid. It requires subscription to lawnet.

    lioninvestor says 16 years ago

    Very weird. I have no problems accessing that page.

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