Martin Lee @ Sg
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UOB China ETF Changes

It looks like UOBAM decided to change the index of their China ETF after all.

Instead of tracking the FTSE/Xinhua A50 index, they will now be tracking the SSE 50 index, which represents the 50 largest stocks of good liquidity listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE).china shares

The ETF will also be renamed to United SSE 50 China ETF and will start trading from 26 Nov at 2pm.

Because of the changes, investors will be given more time (till noon 25 Nov) to decide whether they want to stay invested in the fund or redeem their units.

You can read the full announcement of the change here:

UOB China ETF Changes

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Dennis Quek says 14 years ago

Hi, I’ve found the listed stock. But i thought the price should only change when there are movements in the SSEC index.

Do you know why does the price still change after the SSEC is closed ?

    lioninvestor says 14 years ago

    Hi Dennis,

    The ETF is traded on the secondary market and prices are quoted by market participants as well as market makers.

    The actual traded market value of an ETF can deviate from its underlying index. This is because the prices are determined by buy/sell demand and supply. However, arbitrage opportunities will mean the price should trade at close to NAV.

Dennis says 14 years ago

Hi, so do you know if this share is trading ? It was at PL status few days ago, now its lost.

Any idea ? Thanks

    lioninvestor says 14 years ago

    Hi Dennis,

    It’s traded as UETF SSE50 China 100. Code JK8.

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