Martin Lee @ Sg

Estimated Minibond Values

The Association of Banks in Hong Kong have given a estimated residual value of the Minibonds that were sold in Hong Kong. The news report on this can be found here:

Valuation of Minibond in Hong Kong (In Chinese)

Translated into English, it reads:

The Association of Banks have completed the valuation (as of last month) of the Lehman Minibonds. Minibond series 15-18 have a value of 11-14%, series 10 has a value of 52-78%, while series 31-35 has a value of 54-56%.

This valuation does not take into account the market conditions and fluctuations in December. It also does not include the risks associated with legal issues and is not a reflection of the final amount that investors will receive. The annoucement of the estimated value is more to increase transparency.

A committee of the Legislative Council will hold a special meeting tomorrow to discuss the bank buyback of the Lehman Minibond. A number of banks will be represented at this meeting.


Lehman Minibond Values Up in Air (The Standard)

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