Martin Lee @ Sg

Steen Jakobsen on 2H08 Asian Trade Outlook

The next speaker that I managed to catch at the Invest Fair was Steen Jakobson, the Chief Investment Officer of Saxo Capital Markets.

Steen had a very negative outlook on the state of the US economy, with the falling commodity prices a confirmation sign of the slowdown.

He also heavily critizied the money printing policies (among others) of Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan. Trichet, president of the European Central Bank, was not spared as well.

For the future, some of Steen’s views and predictions include:

(Note: These points are shown for the benefit of sharing with you the views of Steen. Please DO NOT treat them as “sure right” or even “high probability” buy or sell calls.)

Overall, I found Steen Jakobsen’s talk highly entertaining as well as insightful. He held nothing back in giving us his views of the current state of market affairs. It was impactful without any type of “window-dressing“.

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