I have to apologise for the lack of regular updates in my site recently. I have been trying to get my “engine” started ever since I came back from Australia and my recent illness has done nothing to help the situation. I have also been having more hours of sleep these few days compared to […]
Question for Lion Investor Hi, I like your blog. There is always a write up of the latest events happening in Singapore. As a Singaporean, it is very useful to be updated on all current issues. It provides a one-stop info centre. Just wanted to check with you: about the current min. CPF sum requirement […]
The term churning refers to the excessive buying and selling of securities by your stock broker to generate commissions. It can also mean the excessive purchase and sale of unit trusts by your financial advisor for the same purpose. Yet another kind is the “cashing out” of investment linked policies (ILPs) to lock in profits […]
The current CPF minimum sum of $99,600 will go up to $106,000 from 1st July this year. This is the amount of CPF monies that you have to set aside before you can withdraw the rest. Upon reaching 55, the minimum sum will be moved to your retirement account, and you will start getting a […]
About a month ago, I didn’t get a chance to attend Thomas Matthew’s talk at the Smart Expo event. However, I did managed to listen to Thomas Matthew give a short seminar at an event organised by IPP Financial Advisers today. I consider the talk a foundational one in impacting some of the basics of […]