Are you unsure about what Medisave, Medishield, Medifund or Eldershield is, and what coverage it provides for you? Are you unclear of what to look out for when buying a health insurance policy? If any of the above applies to you, this seminar might be worth attending. In conjunction with the Ministry of Health (MOH) […]
MOH posted a reply to a letter written in the Straits Times forum about a couple’s newborn being rejected from Medishield. According to MOH, it was not a case of rejection but more of a deferment as the baby was still undergoing medical treatment at the point of application. The couple can apply again for the […]
There was an article on the Straits Times forum yesterday written by a parent whose child was denied the Medishield plan by CPF. It was unfortunate that CPF did not want to cover the child, and it seemed to go against the Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan’s announcement that every newborn baby will have basic medical […]
Free Child Upgrade Campaign: 11 May 2009 – 30 September 2009 From 11 May 2009 (Monday) last week, Incomeshield launched a new campaign: Free Upgrade for Children. NTUC income will offer all children in Singapore a one-year free upgrade from MediShield to their Standard Incomeshield Plan B. This offer is available to all Singapore citizens and […]
Starting from 1st January 2009, patients staying in B2 and C class wards in public hospitals will have to undergo means testing to determine the amount of subsidy they will get. This new rule will affect people (in the form of higher bills) earning more than $3200/month (or unemployed but staying in private property) and […]