For the third Saturday in a row, investors of structured products (Minibond, Jubilee, High Notes) turned up at Hong Lim Park to gather and listen to Mr Tan Kin Lian. 500 Protest Lost Savings Straits Times Tan Kin Lian Speech (Part 1) Tan Kin Lian Speech (Part 2) Tan Kin Lian Speech (Part 3) Complaints […]
Videos of the speech done by Mr Tan Kin Lian In Mandarin delivered by Mr Goh Meng Seng (Part 1) Mandarin (Part 2) Mandarin (Part 3) Media Coverage of the Event (Mandarin) Media Interview with Mr Tan Kin Lian Comments by SM Goh Chok Tong Click here to leave your comments.
Update: Videos added Yesterday evening, more than 700 structured product ‘investors’ met up at Hong Lim Park for a gathering. I suppose that was the biggest turnout ever at Speaker’s Corner. Mr Tan Kin Lian and Mr Leong Sze Hian addressed the crowd for a while before breaking them up into their respective groups. […]
The gathering for structured product investors has been confirmed: Venue: Speaker’s Corner, Hong Lim Park Date: Saturday 11 October from 5 to 7 pm. Topic: Petition to Singapore Government on Credit Linked Securities. Speakers: 1. Tan Kin Lian 2. Leong Sze Hian As a large crowed is expected, it may not be possible for some […]
In yesterday’s newspapers, there was an article about Tan Kin Lian, NTUC Income’s ex-CEO, mounting an online protest over some changes announced by NTUC recently. The changes involve restructuring bonus payouts for life policies sold after 1993. Essentially, the annual bonus will be reduced but this will be offset by an increase in the terminal […]