Martin Lee @ Sg
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Capitaland Rights Issue Results

Capitaland just announced the results of their Rights Issue. The total amount of acceptance comes up to 122.1% of the total number of available Rights Shares.

Out of 1,411,944,806 Rights Shares, 1,383,315,554 (or 98%) were acccepted. The remaining 28,629,252 Rights Shares will be allocated to satisfy the excess rights, out which there were 340,682,668 applied for.

Successful subscribers with CDP accounts will receive by ordinary post, on or around 23rd March 2009, on the number of Rights Shares that have been credited to their CDP account.

Unsuccessful applications will be refunded their money latest by 26th March via check or direct credit to their bank accounts (for those who applied through atm).

The Rights Shares will be issued on 20th March 2009 and will start traded on or about 23rd March 2009.

A temporary counter will be setup for a month to facilitate trading of odd lots (500 shares). Trading in this counter will have a concessionary brokerage rate of $20 per contract.

Capitaland Rights Issue Results (SGX Announcement)

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lex says 15 years ago

Hi, I have my trading account with Poems.
Recently, I had sucessfully converted my total 1000 rights to shares. As these are purchase through ATM machine, in what method can I used to trade these share as it doesn’t appear in my poems account? Please advise. Thks

    lioninvestor says 15 years ago

    Hi Lex,

    If yours is a normal cash trading account, it doesn’t matter whether it appears inside your poems portfolio or not. The poems portfolio reflects only the trades that were done via poems.

    More important is that it appears in your CDP account. As long as it is there, you can transact using POEMS or any other brokerage accounts.

      lex says 15 years ago


      the3master says 15 years ago

      So tats explain the same for uob kayhian, as i own 2 lots and 1 right. reflected in the ‘portfolio realised p/L’ kayhian sys is 2lots sold and 1 lot unmatched quantity. 1 thing for sure, i have chk my cdp acc having 3lots (1+2) before i done the above steps.

      Bought 2 at $3.10
      Bought 1 right $1.30
      Avg cost for all is $2.50

      Sold at $2.59

      Profit $0.09

      As its my first time dealing wif rights, i hope wat i say above and done is correct?

        lioninvestor says 15 years ago

        Hi the3master,

        yes, as mentioned earlier, the “portfolio” provided by brokerage firms only show what is transacted through them.

        It is not reflective of what you actually hold in your CDP.

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