Martin Lee @ Sg
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Feedback to Hyflux Steering Committee

I’m helping one of the committee members collate feedback from investors of Hyflux preference shares or perpetual securities.

If you are one of the Hyflux investors, please fill in the poll below by 7 Feb 2019 (2359hrs).

Any feedback that you provide would be useful to reflect the expectation of the holders at their upcoming meeting on 11th Feb 2019.

For the value of your holdings, please input based on full face (redemption) value.

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C says 6 years ago

Will vote against if less than 50% and think we all shd, as assets are worth more than this, and shd not fall into foreign control. Also insufficient info and representation for us.

Tay Hwee Kwang says 6 years ago

will vote against if capital return is less than 50%

Chris Lim says 6 years ago

Will vote against if capital return is less than 50%

NEO LIAN CHUAN says 6 years ago

Will vote against if capital return is less than 100%

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