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Investing in Trees and Animals

ostrichsThere have been more and more kinds of alternative investments like trees and animals being sold to the public in Singapore.

Some of these investments promise investment returns of 10-20+% p.a, and a few of them even come with “capital guaranteed” tags.

It’s always a mystery to me how growing plants and rearing animals can give such high guaranteed returns after you factor in all the marketing costs to promote such investments to the public. I don’t even see real farms making such returns on their capital.

Those who are old enough might remember the ostrich scams that hit us many years ago.

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) in UK is way ahead of the curve for such schemes and have already issued a warning to the public about investing into trees and crops.

FSA’s approach is that if there is an investment that involves pooling of investor’s money, it is considered a collective investment scheme and has to be regulated and authorised.

If it is not authorised, then it is considered an unregulated collective investment scheme (UCIS). Such investments cannot be sold to the general public and can only be sold to high net-worth individuals or sophisticated investors.

Any company found to be doing otherwise will be forced to close down. For example, many land banking companies in the UK were forced to stop their operations.

Singapore’s approach is slightly different. It specifics a list of financial instruments that are regulated. This includes the usual investments like shares, unit trusts and life insurance. These regulated products can only be sold by licensed representatives who meet the prescribed requirements. Anyone who is not licensed but tries to give individual advice on them will be contravening the regulations (The irony is that you do not violate anything if you conduct a seminar to few hundred people on the same topic).

If a product falls outside this list, it is considered not regulated by MAS. The current position is that any product that does not fall under the scope of MAS is not up to them to regulate and hence they will not stop companies from selling sell such products. For example, land is considered a real asset so any sale is like a property purchase on a willing buyer and seller basis.

So, any consumer who purchases an unregulated investment might have very minimal protection from our laws. If something goes wrong, an investor will need to resort to his or her own legal actions.

So please think twice before you decide to invest into any unregulated investment sold in Singapore.

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Gwen says 4 years ago

This APC is definitely a scam. We have invested in it, no news till now!!! 2020 after 8 years!

    antoine says 4 years ago

    Hi Gwen, meaning that you invested in 2012 and you are not able to get in touch with them anymore?

    You should be able to cash out after 7 years, APC is still on business, so I am curious to know why do you say it is a scam?

Joe P says 11 years ago

Still no soil to oil description of how an investor gets their profit Ken/Gary They keep talking about how valuable the oil is but what they are selling is trees. And what makes the oil valuable is marketting and distribution management not trees.

Ken says 11 years ago

I have attend one of their talk in one of their office, Asia Plantation Singapore Pte Ltd at 51 Cuppage Road, #07-11, Singapore 229469. Anyway I shared some of the details from their brochure and your be the judge whether this is an “genuine” and workable business :

About Agarwood


The aquilaria tree is a remarkable tree by rainforest standards. lt isn’t so much the tree but what is deep inside it. The aquilaria tree produces a rich and resinous heartwood called ‘agarwood’, also known as the ‘Wood of the Gods’. A native species of Southeast Asia, agarwood has been traded globally for centuries.

Agarwood forms in the aquilaria tree when it becomes infected with a type of mould. Prior to infection, the heartwood is relatively light and pale coloured; however, as the infection progresses, the tree produces a dark aromatic resin in response to the attack, which results in a very dense, dark, resin embedded heartwood. The resulting heartwood, commonly called gaharu, jinko, aloeswood, agarwood, or oud, is highly sought after by many cultures. When extracted from the tree, it is either processed into wood chips for aromatic burning or distilled in order to produce oud oil. Both have a distinctive fragrance for which it is highly valued.

For thousands of years, this resinous wood was burned as incense during meditation and prayer to help people achieve a higher level of consciousness and a state of deep inner peace. Many religious groups including Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Taoists and Christians consider agarwood the most precious of materials. Agarwood incense is said to have a calming effect and to increase body energy or “chi”. lt is also an important component of traditional Chinese and Malay medicine. Its pleasing fragrance has been enjoyed throughout the world.

Demand Versus Supply

International trade in agarwood dated back as early as the thirteen century. The consumer market for agarwood is well developed in the Middle East and Northeast Asia where agarwood has been used for over one thousand years. Growth of population and affluence of consumer markets in Japan, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia and the Arab Emirates (UAE) has seen demand for agarwood soar over the past 30 years.

Growth of population and affluence of consumer markets in Japan, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia and the Arab Emirates (UAE) has seen demand for Agarwood soar over the past 30 years.

One of the main reason for the relative rarity and high cost of agarwood is the depletion of the wild resource. By the early 1900’s, the aquilaria tree had been harvested to near extinction in Southeast Asia and was classified as an endangered species leading it to be placed on the Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) list. The listing makes it illegal to harvest or trade the commodity without a CITES permit. Private sector investment in commercial and sustainable plantations has led the drive to protect the tress in the natural forest by providing a viable substitute. However demand still outstrips supply.

In the West, oud oil extracted from agarwood has been used by many perfumery houses over the past 25 years and has currently enjoyed a surge in popularity as western brands seek to expand into emerging Asian markets. Big name brands to use oud in their fragrances include Calvin Klein Obesession (1987), Yves Saint Laurent (2002), Tom Ford Oud Wood (2007), Juicy Couture (2008), Dior Fahrenheit Absolute (2009) and the list goes on.

Asia Plantation Capital’s Oud

Values of oud oil, also known as ‘liquid gold’ , are dictated by the grade of the oud oil that is extracted from the tree and the efficiency of the extraction methods utilized. Thailand is home to many independent growers and oud distilleries.

APC has an established agarwood business with its own distillation facilities which has been operating professionally in Thailand. The distillery has been consistently producing ‘A’ grade oud oil and is regarded as superior to the oil produced from many other distilleries in Thailand using older technologies. This good grade production is the result of vast experience and state-of-the-art distillation processes, which are technologically advanced compared to traditional methods currently used.

Why choose Asia Plantation Capital?

It is important to us that when you invest in products with APC, you feel completely satisfied that you have made the right choice. This is why we have considered every angle of risk and reward. It is imperative that you are protected by our broad coverage of protection policies in place as this will set your mind free from worries for the period of your investment with us. Here are the reasons why clients choose us:

• Investment in real asset

• Comprehensive warranties of investment

• Attractive returns with a peace of mind

• Hassle free with no ongoing fees

• Fixed term investment

• Plantation site visit

• Personal Client Relationship Manager at your service

When you choose APC, you are not only rewarded financially, but also choosing a better future for yourself, your family and generations to come because we are extremely proud of the fact that our products are both eco-friendly and ethical.

I think for those who want to find out more information regard to this investment rather than speculating here can contact their senior manager of APC, Mr Gary Snitch, Email : [email protected] (Added 2020: Gary is no longer with the company).

James says 11 years ago

I think “money back guarantee” is the only “marketable” way to convince any investor to pool in their money. Although it is not related to trees and animals investment, I have once attended an crude oil investment company called Shenton Energy Asia which represent an Canada crude oil company : , where the main company “promised” it will be 3% every 3 months returns, which sound like “logical” return. Also the reason they give for approaching “ordinary” investors are your are you are buying wholesale into the current oil reserves of the main Canadian oil company. With this fund, she can now together with her strategic alliance partner like Exxon Mobile, Shell, BP, etc, to tap or get the 35% oil field reserve which in the past was unconventional, and uneconomical and also acquire more oil fields with considerable more potential.

But the most important “promise” they give to the investors are, in case the main Canada’s company “close shop” liao or any “bad” things happen to their investment, they have an agreement or legal contract that they WILL shut down or sell away their unprofitable oil inventories and even their assets if necessary and still pay back your initial investment and the agreement is shown in the powerpoint (in print screen of course). And any tree and animals investment had this similar scheme I guess there is no harm investing it.

Raymond says 11 years ago

no quick money in this world.

Joe P says 12 years ago

According to their website FAQ the UK company Plantation Capital plc is no longer offering investment products.

Jeffrey says 12 years ago

Alright guys…hope that my contributions on the above will enable all readers in this forum makes a well-informed decision in all your investment portfolios, be it traditional or alternative investment products. Always find the facts pertaining to what u will be investing in and the companies involved and not other companies as what i have always mentioned. There’re always good companies among the bad companies. I won’t be posting in this forum for quite a while as i will be away on business trip for the next 6 months unless i am free to do so. Good Luck!!!

    Terry says 11 years ago

    Hello Jeffrey,

    I just attended an Asia Plantation Capital presentation in Singapore today and actually very attracted by their sales pitch of forecasted return.

    But then again, requiring an initial investment of about SGD30K, I am certainly concerned. I am not investment savy and not familiar with agriculture. It appears that you’ve done some homework so I hope you can share some views on my some of my concerns.

    – They forecast returns based on yield of 2-4tola of oud oil per tree that they commit to buy back at minimum price of SGD400 per tola. But I was unable to get them to show me any documented yield records that they have been able to yield 2-4tola of oud oil per tree. Do you have any substantiated information to allow me to realistically be able to estimate how much oud oil they would be able to yield from each tree at the end of the 7 year ?

    – Being kind of paranoia, I am also concern about how would I know if the trees I pay for will really solely belong to me ? I heard of sponsor scams where a kid in Africa is actually sponsored by more than 20 sponsors when the kid was supposedly sponsored by only one. The answer I got from the manager I talked to was that I need to trust the company, APC, that they will not do such tricks and that they have internal audits. Is there such risks or am I worrying for nothing ?

    As I said, I’m not investment savy but certainly very interested due to great forecasted returns. Just wondering what I can do to safeguard myself and to minimise risk before I invest. Hope you can advise.

      Joe P says 11 years ago

      Terry . Haven’t you answered all your own questions ? They have suggested a big number. I suggest you may lose most or all of your investment. Which one of us is right ? You want data and they are asking for trust. An investment that you cant see, is unregulated, which has been closed down in the UK, and is in a country where you can claim no compensation if it fails or even worse if it doesnt actually exist. . Which legal territory is the contract bound under ? Remember all those people who invested in Profitable Group Boron thinking it was a Singapore company ? Where is their money now ?

      Jeffrey says 11 years ago

      Hi Terry,

      I am so sorry for the late reply as i am extremely busy with my work and required me to travel very frequently most of all times hence didn’t check in this forum at all. Pertaining to your questions, i have all the answers and in fact seen the documents before i invested with them. As i have always mentioned, consult the right person and you will get all the answers…if not, at least is on a neutral ground. Based on the fact that most people in this forum who had replied in this forum have little to no knowledge on agricultural investments, i am not going to share my knowledge and information i have in regards to agricultural investments. If you need my personal advise on agricultural investments. Please feel free to send me an email: [email protected] with all your questions and i will be able to answer you.

Jeffrey says 12 years ago

Thanks for feeding back and posted on the above articles, but it doesn’t prove anything on APC. Btw, It’s better to post the whole sentence than selected sentence. It stated Smith (from Central Tax) says the vehicle is for “execution-only” SIPP business and many clients choose forestry investment in Plantation Capital.

What is “Execution-only”?

Describes the relationship between a client and a stockbroker or independent financial adviser whereby the broker or adviser acts solely on the client’s instructions and doesn’t offer any advice on which shares to invest in or financial products to buy and simply “executes” the wishes of the client, regardless if they are judged to be sound or wrong. Other types of broking service offered are advisory (whereby the client/investor makes the final decisions, but the broker offers advice) and discretionary (whereby the broker manages the portfolio entirely and makes all the decisions on behalf of the client).

As i mentioned, there are always bad eggs among the good ones….

Joe P says 12 years ago

From the Asia Plantation Capital Website 4 Dec 2012
Carbon Credit Revenues.
Asia Plantation Capital has been working to develop future carbon credit revenues. Under the Kyoto agreement, existing forestry does not qualify to be traded for carbon credits. However newly created plantations do and Asia Plantation Capital is applying to get all of its plantations recognised under this agreement’s criteria.

From the UK Moneywise site 25 July 2012

………many clients choose forestry investment in Plantation Capital,.
While still posing as a potential client an investment adviser at Plantation, suggests I personally invest my SIPP money in bamboo or carbon credits……

Jeffrey says 12 years ago

Moderator, could i suggest a separate thread for Carbon Credits instead? Our beloved Joe has been posting non-related posts all over the place which need to be control. Dear All, Please kindly post comments only related to Trees and Animals investment in this Thread. Thanks!

Joe P says 12 years ago

UK FSA warning on Carbon Credit scams

There are two categories of carbon credits: voluntary emission reductions (VERs) and certified emission reductions (CERs). VERs certificates are increasingly being offered to UK investors.

How it works

Investors are usually called out of the blue by salespeople promoting carbon credits, but contact can also come by email, post, word of mouth or at a seminar or exhibition.
You may be offered carbon credit certificates, or an opportunity to invest directly in a ’green‘ scheme or project that generates carbon credits as a return on investment.

The caller may claim carbon credits are ‘the new big thing’ in commodity trading, industries now have to off-set their emissions, the government is focusing on green developments or that it is an ever growing market.

You could lose all your money on your investment by not being able to sell, or at least get a competitive rate, when trading a small volume of carbon credits.

Jeffrey says 12 years ago

That’s you cos you don’t understand the product, but i do….and like i said. I invested cos i do understood the products from soil to oil process and the entire business as well as how agroforestry business works. My knowledge is far ahead of you with not just the financial products, but extend to commodities investment. Yeah! I do understand your stupidity hence you can only invest in your regulated funds, yeah! A loser will always be a loser, no matter where they are. Stick to your own believe then….poor chap. haha….

Joe P says 12 years ago

Ah Jeffrey so we get there finally. The sales pitch of last resort. If you cannot defend the investment product against logic, attack and demean the prospect for their weakness, cowardice or stupidity.

I didnt understand sunshine investments or profitable plots either. One told me I was not sophisticated enough, and the other told me I was paralyzed by analysis.

Happy that my pragmatic stupid self put the money into listed raw materials stocks and oil. I didn’t triple my money but i didn’t lose it all either. .

Jeffrey says 12 years ago

An advice to the public here. Do not touch IF….

1) You are a negative person cos everything you see or heard will be negative too especially a product or industry you have never been into.

2) Not open minded enough to listen to new investment.

3) Not dare to try new investment or products.

4) Do not have extra cash.

5) Do not have the holding power.

6) Skeptical and not comfortable to invest.

If any of you need to seek an adviser to such alternative investments. Always ask the person what (real-life and professional) experience they have in regards to such investments and that’s the fundamental to it. If not, i don’t see any point you guys still need to find an insurance agent for financial advise (insurance, UT etc…that’s their expertise). Just simply find any tom, dick and harry for advice will do.

Jeffrey says 12 years ago

Joe….please do not touch if you do not understand or do not understood how agroforestry industry works. For your info, I do have all the detail description from soil to oil processes and i do know how all this works hence i invested with them. Simple as that! At least based on my experience and detailed researches they are not a scam company like what you have been posted, but a genuine commercial plantations operating a genuine business.

So since you do not understand this industry and the commodities…do not give advice and tarnish a genuine company and just keep your mouth shut. Just like any other financial products. Don’t touch if you don’t know about it. Stop acting like a smart alec and show me and the public the evidences then. It will be neutral for you and others to give advise to ppls here on whatever the risk each products have by showing the public real or concrete evidences and not just speaking without evidences and how you feel with irrelevant articles. There are always bad or scam companies among the good and genuine ones, so please do your homework and give exact report as per company mentioned.

Joe P says 12 years ago

So we’ve seen the PR releases and attendance at industry shows that associate APC with big names, links to offshore funds, lots of meaningless reports, and even charitable donations. But still no actual soil to oil description of the investment anywhere.

You have to acknowledge that when lots of people put money into an alternative investment scheme they dont really understand the result is usually a period of euphoria followed by a period of doubt followed by a loss of most or all of those funds.

So come on Jeffrey. Educate us. Do a soil to oil description of this investment. What is the process that my dollar goes through to turn it into more dollars. What are my benefits. What are my risks.

Jeffrey says 12 years ago

APC has recently invested and purchased the latest Hi-Tech monitoring solutions designed by Biomachines Singapore.

Using the latest technology BioMachines is able to use remotely located cameras, micro climate details and customised data to supply information on the health of tree-stock and even tree diameters directly to your email box or for viewing over the internet.

Press Release by Biomachines Singapore at RISI.

Jeffrey says 12 years ago

Update: IFEAT Programme

There will be lots of speakers from the Essential Oils and Aroma industrials from 4 – 8 November 2012.

Dr. Pakamas Chetpattananondh, Department of Chemical Engineering, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand will be giving a speech with an overview of the Agarwood oil industry on 8 November 2012

Jeffrey says 12 years ago

APC will be participating in this upcoming “International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trade (IFEAT) which will be held on 4-8 November 2012 at MBS. All big companies and suppliers of essential oils, aroma and other oils (oud etc…) will be showcasing their products and to attract protential buyers.

Fragrance Du Bois by APC

I have gone for a holiday with my friends in Bangkok last month and visited their boutique which is currently selling Oud Based Fragrances in InterContinential Hotel.

Jeffrey says 12 years ago

“The International Timberland Ownership & Investment Review” is published yearly by renowned republisher with extensively researches and analysis on all agricultural companies in the world (including agroforestry funds).

“The 2011 review is an essential information resource for investors, banks and other financial institutions, timberland (forest-land) owners, managers, advisors and consultants, universities, researchers and government departments involved with timberland investment, ownership and management.”

and not just like what you have mentioned.

By now…you have yet to provide any evidences to support your claims on APC, but just a general links on other commercial plantations which were being investigated and/or perhaps closed by FSA. The 3 companies that being investigated (or closed) were in the news, but none of the companies were in the list in “The International Timberland Ownership & Investment Review”. That already show how accurate and thorough the book is.

If you or any investors are so concerned about regulations and protection. Please buy the funds instead of investing in actual assets, which require profits cut from Fund Houses and the Banks. Such funds are only open to HNW individuals, Private Investors and Accredited Investors with minimum investment of Pound $100K. so do you have it? haha….

You need to send a request to prove your eligibility as an HNW individual or Accredited Investor thru your Private Banker (if you are one) or approach the Fund Houses directly.

Sustainable Resources Fund is a Luxembourg domiciled sub-fund to the Amiri Shariah Investment Platform Fund regulated by Luxembourg Regulator.

Joe P says 12 years ago

Exclusion or inclusion on that list is irrelevant. Its just a directory of names with no vetting or regulation whatsoever.

On a lighter note is is a person who reports the 7 year phone pitch from APC and a fortune tellers response. I wouldn’t use a fortune teller for financial advice (or any advice) but in this case I think he’s on his game

and a link to a UK report on a QROPS pensions scam involving bio fuels and plantations.

Joe P says 12 years ago

SIPPS is a relatively new UK pension scheme -Self investment Personal Pension. It allows individuals to get tax relief on a portion of investments they make to support a future pension. Unfortunately it has become the target of scammers in some cases including bio fuels, carbon credits and plantation investments schemes.

Late last month, Southwark Crown Court was requested by the UK Serious Fraud Office to freeze the assets of three companies selling “sustainable”, “SIPP-compliant” investments. The last of this trio was only set up in early January this year – the other two had a two- to three-year shelf life. All these firms are now bust and in administration, so whether there are any assets to freeze may be a difficult call. Most of their directors live in Thailand or Indonesia although one, a director of 21 companies since 1997 all of which have been dissolved, popped back to stand as a local Councillor in Devon in 2007 for the United Kingdom Independence Party. He lost.

The investors, who lost about an average £20,000 each, were told they were buying into plantations of bio-fuel producing jatropha trees in Indonesia and Thailand. They were promised big tax-free dividends and major tax-free capital gains when they sold the forest.

Some 1,500 SIPP owners put £32m into the scheme. Their losses are not covered by any compensation scheme – and they may never see their cash again.

    Jeffrey says 12 years ago

    I do agree with you on this, but do remember not all commercial plantations are scam…..
    Btw, not all plantations are sustainable and there’s no such thing as SIPP compliant. If any of the plantation company’s names are not in this list…They are most probably a scam.

Jeffrey says 12 years ago

Hi Neutral,

As an professional in an agroforestry industry for the past 15 years myself. i need to tell you SIPPS has got nothing to do with whether a company is dealing with genuine business or not though UK government allows SIPPS to be used for UCIS investment caters for Accredited Investors and/or HNW individuals. FSA in UK or MAS in SG or any equivalent only regulate securities or futures as it fall under their scopes of regulations. They do not regulate actual assets (as assets are directly owned by investors when purchased, just like properties), unless it’s a fund structured by Fund Houses which will need to apply for regulation and then regulated before Fund Houses are allow to be distribute to the banks for sales to bank clients. In this case, investors hold units of the funds or in paper, the duration of their investment with diversify crops, and not the actual asset of the crops. Some agroforestry funds are not regulated by regulators too, as it’s a Private Equity Funds cater for more sophiscated investors and are only distribute thru Private/ Investment Banks.

Shariah Compliant has been the main push and talk for such agroforestry investment in the market nowadays as most countries, fund houses and banks are promoting Shariah Compliant Agroforestry Funds. One will the funds is Sustainable Resources Fund which is Shariah Compliant.

Funds are managed by Sustainable Capital Luxembourg

Shariah Board

An alternative investment adviser, managing Amiri Shariah Investment Platform Fund SICAV-SIF regulated by the Luxembourg Regulator, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

There are many news and articles with press releases in Financial Times, Reuters and others about this funds and other shariah compliant funds nowadays.

Neutral says 12 years ago

Hello! Do u know whats SIPPS? Have u gone to BT Invest for ur research to come up with you own assumption? I guess most probably he hasnt been doing sufficient searches.


Neutral says 12 years ago

Hello! Do u know whats SIPPS? Have u gone to BT Invest for ur research to come up with you own assumption? I guess most probably he hasnt been doing sufficient searches! Ignorant! *yawnz*


Jeffrey says 12 years ago

Just like a recent “Amy Cheong” case of racial issue. Why would such a highly educated and high profile person,an AD in NTUC commented and posted such a stuff in her fb??? and why does so many high flyers in the big MNC find even government sector look for postitutions and got charged? It’s all human doing, and not the companies…..Joe, stop being so shallow and starting using your brain to think before you post.

Jeffrey says 12 years ago

Btw, one can’t push all the blame to the companies if the employees mis-represent their company or the products by mis-selling. I believe No companies will mis-present themselves..unless they stated on their website. I am sure that if it’s a bank’s relationship managers who mis-represent the products.. one won’t say the product or the company are scam, but in reality…..Ppls only use scam on products and/or companies or even industry they are unsure of….

I also make sure i speak to the managers or even the senior managers of the company to clarify what their relationship managers had told me and also to ensure the sales person don’t mis-present or mis-sell before i commit or buy any investment products.

Jeffrey says 12 years ago

just my 2 cents. Always ask the Managers for any clarification because they tend to be more knowledgeable and unlikely to misrepresent or mis-sold the products. Like many other cases in the banks and insurances companies. Bankers and insurance agents tend to misrepresenting or mis-sold the products due to hitting the targets and higher commissions. even mis-representation of the company. Gosh!!! All those ppls are licensed by MAS to mis-sell….in the past. Sad!

Joe P says 12 years ago

I did a bit of research on APC and came across this public profile of an Asian Plantation Capital Customer Relationship Manager. According to his profile he has two MA and an MSC in Finance and a BA in economics so you would think he would know what he is talking about. Or he was typing what he had been told to print ?

[Quote] Client Relationship Manager
Asia Plantation Singapore Pte Ltd
November 2011 – Present (1 year) Singapore
Asia Plantation Capital is an owner and operator of a diverse range of commercial plantation and farming businesses across the Asia-Pacific region and globally as part of the Plantation Capital Group of associated companies. Our focus is on multicultural and diverse plantation projects geared to the domestic and commercial demands of the countries in which we operate. We work closely with and support fragile local communities as an underlying core principle of our business, providing social and cultural support as well as investment to move these communities away from traditional deforestation and illegal logging activities as a main income source.
Asia Plantation Capital is fully regulated in the UK by Financial Services Authority (FSA).
[End Quote]

To be clear Asia Plantation Capital is not and has never been regulated by the UK FSA. The partner company in the UK Plantation Capital plc is not and has never been regulated by the UK FSA for investments and is currently not regulated by the FSA in any form.. The FSA is currently assembling a plan to limit the promotion and sale of alternative investments like carbon credits, plantation investments,wine in the UK.

So the question is why would this very educated person put that statement in his public profile ?

Before working for a plantation company this guy was working for a land banking company so perhaps that might explan things.

    Jeffrey says 12 years ago

    [Quote] Client Relationship Manager
    Asia Plantation Capital is fully regulated in the UK by Financial Services Authority (FSA).
    [End Quote]

    I don’t remember seeing this stated on APC’s website when i invested with them, hence mis-representation was not done by APC, but the employee of the company.

      jeanny says 9 years ago

      I know that lucas fellow. Worked with him before. A lunatic bipolar dude. Have extra cash, invest safely elsewhere. Just saying

Prudent guy says 12 years ago

Reply to XIndi. I had went for the talk by APC. They even said capital guaranteed. Actually, you can forget what they claimed and ask yourself a few question.
Firstly, if the investment has such a high yield, why are they seeking investor. Secondly, when there are investors, why are they limiting investor to 100 trees each? APC are not regulated by MAS. That means, you need to seek your own legal means in the event of a dispute. How much will that cost you? Is it worth for $27K? Even if you win the civil suit, how much will you get back minus away the legal cost? The sum is simple and the answer is clear.

Neutral says 12 years ago

Just to add on as for land banking…. Al i wan to say is come on typical singaporean! If today ur ichiban tv gives u problem, does it mean that u got to stop buying tv? No right? There are so many brands around. Time share used to be e biggest talks around but til date, i do noe of a good time sharing company doing it: Marriott. Ppl do enjoy using their products. And land banking, yes alot of land banking company failed, but good companies like Walton…? Around for decades. So measure ur budget well & go for good investments around is e best way out. If not, just lie ur money in e bank & enjoy watching e match btwn banks interest vs inflation 吧!

Neutral says 12 years ago

If this forestry investment is approved in UK for SIPP, its exactly like in Singapore ppl buy insurance using cpf. How safe do u think this investment is base on this? its really up to individual already. Moreover, as long as what you paid for is something valuable & wil not be affected by economy climate like traditional investments, ( its just like)i dont tink ppl stop buying property fr far east organisation just bcoz its not public listed right? As for me, so what if its regulated or not? E economy crisis in 2008, those guys who caused e crisis, arent they regulated too? & cynical ppl alw think what if company goes burst? AIG almost went burst too! Insurance company! Any company is capable of going burst. But arent she stil standing still now aft storm? Bcoz somebody can alw buy over if she has got valuation & e business just goes on! 🙂

Xindi says 12 years ago

I came across this article thru search on asiaplanatation investment coz I was wondering if it’s a scam. I’ve heard if something happened to the tree you invest the insurance will cover it.. So I’m look for advice to take up or not..

Butterfingers says 12 years ago

Every investment comes with a risk. If such I think everyone can hide their money in pitiful interest rate banks and slogged their life for puny savings.
Investment in trees and crops you mentioned, timespan and returns are good for me
Plant some trees, save the nature, what you get back is more than our insurance investment no?

Seems like you are an expert in investment. What do you recommend?
Have you consider working for MAS too?

cautious says 12 years ago

Came across a company called Asia Plantation malaysia at their fancy hotel investment last week.

Sounded like a really good investment buying trees and hoping for a great amount of cash in a few years time.

The sales representative assured me that it was a sound investment and they have a track record paying out hundreds and thousands to clients.

I was looking with it in a cautious view – however, it triggered me when they told me that this company is regulated by the SSM in malaysia and the FSA in the UK

Asia Plantation Singapore

Suite 01-03, 1st Floor, Menara Keck Seng
203 Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Telephone: +603 2144 4575

After further research – realised that FSA has made a statement regarding the investment and they are not regulated. It is a collective investment scheme.

Contacted the SSM here in Malaysia, (companies commision of Malaysia

Menara SSM@Sentral

SSM Directory
Tel: 03-2299 4400
Fax: 03-2299 4411
Hotline: 03-22995500
E-mail : [email protected]

They are warning the public about this investment scheme and they are not regulated by them as they have had complaints from the public regarding this investment scheme.

Asia Plantation Malaysia has no guarantees if your tree produces any thing from it.
which could mean that your investment could be burnt.

Its will be soon that the authorities get to them and shut them down.

Only the invester will be the loser.

Singaporean says 12 years ago

Foreign sharks has Singapore on their radar and are luring us with promises of a free seminar to learn how to spot rip offs in overseas properties & how to invest smarter. BEWARE!

Steve F says 12 years ago

Watch out for UK storage units currently being offered with guaranteed high returns.
The program is you buy a storage unit and they promise you 8% returns guaranteed for the first two years. They do this by including 16% in the price of the unit. After that you have to pay fees to find renters for the unit and the agreement typically does not highlight maintenance and other costs. Much like timeshare if you dont pay the annual fees the ownership reverts.

ABC says 12 years ago

Jeremy Grantham is well known for being partial to investing in trees, but definitely not in the type being sold in S’pore and M’sia. His calculation for timber investing is currently projected at about 6.5% real per annum over the next 7 years. This will send many Asians to sleep.

Even so, billionaire expert investors like Jeremy will still need to do extensive research and on-the-ground investigation. Sino Forest is an infamous example of what can happen even with a ostensibly valid tree plantations & timber business.

I’m stupid and definitely not even quarter-way to Grantham’s investment expertise. So I stay away from such things that I don’t understand.

curious says 12 years ago

there are a few companies with the same name

query in

seven year investment with very high returns.
investing in agarwood plantation.

could potentially make a few hundred thousand dollars with a 30k/60k investment in seven years.

curious says 12 years ago

New Investment In Town – Singapore & Malaysia

Asia Plantation Singapore./ Asia Plantation Malaysia

are they the same people from Jardin Smith International ?

this one is not a 5 year wait. Its a 7 year wait instead.

Good Returns apparently

Has anybody been for the seminar ?

    kartanaka says 9 years ago

    Yes they are from jardin smith international.2011,when jsi is close for a while…the whole staff shifted to APC & did the same buisness modul again under the same owner.
    Why jsi close??
    Why APC is suddenly in the picture…question mark?To keep the clients money for 7 till 15 or 20 years.Tees cost RM5 and they sell to you at RM650.If they can sell 5000 trees a month?RM3.2million immediate cash out & client wait for 7 years to cash out.
    JSI??Per sft of land is Rm1….selling at RM60…immediate cash out????COUNT YOUR SELF …..
    Why should hold the money for years???Ask the CEO….

Derek says 12 years ago

Hi Martin,

I myself was almost blinded by the higher than average returns and capital guaranteed. It’s only when I did more research did I realize my folly. Never trust what the company say – VERIFY it! Also, Seeing is NOT believing. Although guided tours are given, how do you know if the tree, animal or even the farm itself is owned by the company?

Prudence is of the utmost importance.

    Martin Lee says 12 years ago

    Google is your friend! A lot of such investments will end in tears, typically in about five years.

      kartanaka says 9 years ago

      see the links in MAS Singapore that they have been put under alert list.SOMETHING WRONG SOMEWHERE!!!!!!!

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