Martin Lee @ Sg
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Assets Wine Management (AWM) Investors Stranded

There was a news report yesterday on the closure of a wine investment company, Assets Wine Management (AWM).

asset-wine-management-awmApparently, the staff of Assets Wine Management (AWM) have been uncontactable since around 15th June 2010. AWM’s office at Duxton Road is also vacated.

Affected investors have gone on to file reports with the police and CASE.

So we have another case of wine investment gone sour. Last year, Universal Asset Group (UAG) also collapsed, leaving thousands of investors stranded.

Avoid unregulated investments that promise you returns that sound too good to be true.

Police reports filed against wine investment firm (Today Newspaper)

Wine Deal Gone Sour (The New Paper)

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Jonathan says 14 years ago

Hi Albert, are you in singapore or in hong kong. If in sinagpore you need to go to any neighbour Police station to make a statement. We have some discussion on

    Light says 14 years ago

    how do we report on this? do we need to bring any document on to report?? do you all have details ? I have bought a few cases from Assets Wine Mgt. How do I report to the singapore police? Can anyone pls help to advise me. Thanks

      christina says 14 years ago

      Hi All Out There

      I am one of victim and has made a police report recently. You can do so at any police station with your IC. Will be good if you bring all evidence (letters, orders etc tec from asset wine) as the police will make a copy of these and ask you questions on the history as to how you started investing with asset wines.

      Not many people have made police report and the police said that if only few came forward, it will be treated as civil case.
      The idea is to get as many people to report to the police so that it became a criminal case (I think).

      FYI, the warehouse at Toh Guan apparently is the first to file the case as the warehouse rent are not paid. So bad news is we cannot remove “our wines” as well.

      BJ says 14 years ago

      The letter from the Trident’s lawyer just came out today. Looks bad for us as investors since they intend to auction off the wine to recover the sums owed to them by AWM.

      We need to come together to see how to put in a claim for our wines that we paid for.

        IC says 14 years ago

        Hi, I am one of the victims too. Please kindly let me know where shall we meet etc…. Thanks.

albert tam says 14 years ago

This is a plot with careful planning luring investor from all over Asia. I have also brought a few cases from Keegen from Hong Kong not becasuse of extremely attractive offer as the price quoted back in 2005 were just in par with the market.

Do anyone know whether I can report to Singapore Police via internet??

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